Monday, September 30, 2019

Multiple Intelligence Theory and Its Application to Education

The discourse surrounding multiple intelligence theory (MI) and its integration into education has been that of much debate. Written as an opposition to IQ testing, MI was originally developed as an alternate account of cognitive function, initially identifying seven distinct intelligences (verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal and musical), and later acquiring two more (naturalist and existential).Applied to an educational context, the main aim of MI theory is to demonstrate the insufficiencies of IQ measurements and traditional testing methods as evaluations of student intelligence and the grounds for planning programs and curricula suitable for all students (Moran, Kornhaber, & Gardner, 2007). MI theory is attractive to many because it offers â€Å"a more pluralistic cognitive universe† (Gardner, 1995b, p. 16).However, vigorous debate challenges MI theory, whilst the lack of clear instruction for its integration i nto pedagogy has led to misconceptions and unfaithful application of its key elements. Some of the arguments pertaining to the integration of MI in schools, and in art and design classrooms in particular, will be explored below, firstly examining critiques of the theory itself. The first debate considers the empirical aspects of MI. In Frames of Mind (1983), Gardner presents his investigation of numerous empirical studies, from which he identified the initial seven intelligences.Thus, it can be said that MI theory is formed solely on empirical evidence. Since there can be no permanence to any empirically based theory, MI can be modified in accordance to new studies, openly allowing for discussion and constant reconceptualisation (Gardner, 1995a). Whilst Kevin Williams (2000) highlights the intuitively appealing natureof MI theory, Robert J. Sternberg identifies the need for a basis for testing and comparing these â€Å"attractive† empirical theories (1984, p. 700). Klein (199 8, p. 06) points out that Gardner, whilst expanding the claims of MI theory, â€Å"provides no evidence for them,† but further demonstrates the virtually â€Å"untestable† nature of MI theory that continued to exist over a decade after Sternberg’s critique.This means that whilst it difficult to prove that MI is wrong, it is equally difficult to prove that it is correct, which questions the validity of the theory in educational contexts. Secondly, MI theory has been accused of confusing intelligence with domain and discipline. Gardner (1995a, p. 02) explains that on the contrary, â€Å"an intelligence is a biological and psychological potential†¦ capable of being realized†¦ as a consequence of the experiential, cultural, and motivational factors that affect a person. † This definition is dissimilar to that of â€Å"domain,† which is a cultural concept, relating to culturally organized activities, in which individuals are involved. In the a rt and design context, sculpture, painting and woodwork would be examples of domains, which, according to MI, can be accomplished through the utilization if intelligences such as spatial, bodily-kinesthetic and logical mathematical.In saying that, Gardiner argues that intelligences can operate in many diverse domains(Gardner, 1995a; Gardner, 1998). Logical mathematical intelligence must be applied in planning and constructing a table, for instance, to attain correct measurements and angles. Perry D. Klein accuses MI of linguistic redundancy on the basis that each intelligence is defined â€Å"as an ability in a corresponding set of domains,† and an ability in each domain is explained â€Å"with reference to the intelligence† (Klein, 1997, p. 103).Gardner (1998) believes that Klein has confused these concepts, as each domain involves several intelligences, not just one by which it is defined. For example, a student who possesses high spatial intelligence might not neces sarily produce an effective poster design without also incorporating a degree of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, cultural support, practice and good instruction. Gardner strongly disagrees with a third critique that MI theory â€Å"so broadens the notion of intelligence that it includes all psychological constructs and thus vitiates the usefulness, as well as the usual connotation, of the term,† (Gardner, 1995a, p. 03). His argument stems from allegations that the traditional definition of intelligence provides a thin and incomplete observation of its nature, touching on only psychometric capacity and disregarding other cognitive aspects. MI deals only with matters of the intellect and Gardner believes that a more useful comprehension of cognition can be gained by considering multiple semi-independent intelligences than what is offered by the hypothesis of a single â€Å"bell curve† model of intelligence. Conversely, some critics show concern that MI regiments the var iety of human intelligences due to the restriction of categories.The formation of categories and intelligences they include is, in the opinion of John White, based â€Å"on Gardner’s own value preferences† (White in Williams, 2000, P. 107). Williams (2000), however, asserts that White may have misjudged the way in which MI can allow for the diverse combinations of intelligences in the classroom. MI encourages that key concepts or disciplines be approached in a multiple ways to enhance a students experience of ideas and implications in a way that is familiar to them.In art and design, topics can be taught using a range of approaches, from narration of an artists or designers experience (interpersonal), class discussion (verbal-linguistic) and individual reflection (interpersonal and intrapersonal) to practical experimentation or stimulation (logical-mathematical, spatial and bodily-kinesthetic). By approaching content from different perspectives, teachers can increase t heir access to the intelligences of more students and allow students to see that they are capable of representing content and their knowledge in different ways (Gardner, 1995a)A fourth concern takes the form of what Gardner (1995a, p. 203) deems a myth: â€Å"MI theory is incompatible with g (general intelligence), with hereditarian accounts, or with environmental accounts of the nature and causes of intelligence. † His response is that MI theory is primarily concerned with exploring the intelligences and intellectual procedures that g does not take into account. MI examines the scope of g, not it’s actual existence. Similarly, MI theory focuses on exploring the interaction between genetic and environmental elements, impartial on the issue of whether particular intelligences are heritable.MI’s exploration of the unique intelligences of individuals allows them to understand that they have potential to be â€Å"intelligent† in multiple ways and are no longe r restricted to the â€Å"smart† or dumb† categories that are often ascribed to g (Moran, Kornhaber, & Gardner, 2007). Considering the above arguments, MI practice should not be considered in separation of MI theory and teachers should be aware of the discourse surrounding MI theory in order to make a more educated integration of its principles into their classrooms.The almost immediate attempt to integrate MI theory into educational contexts has generated positive results in its development. However, Burke (2007) also notes that many teachers have acquired information about MI that is in contradiction to what the theory actually suggests. Written in the context of psychology, Frames of Mind relates only six paragraphs to MI practice in education (Burke, 2007). Gardner denies that MI attempts to instruct pedagogy and sees it as the educator’s role to decide how MI will best serve students (Gardner, 1995a).Considering MI theory is not the result of standardized te sts, any testing that claims to be MI based, should use an â€Å"intelligent-fair† method, as opposed to linguistic or logical methods of pen and paper testing, so that each individual intelligence is directly examined. For instance, if a student is to be assessed in aspects of spatial intelligence, it should be done based on their practical interaction with and application of visual arrangements and materials, rather than written assessment.Gardner points out that the assessment of MI’s is not always a main concern in education, but if it is appropriate for testing to occur, it should exist within an environment where the student feels comfortable and is provided with familiar materials (Gardner, 1995a). Misguided notions of MI have led to the concern that teachers need â€Å"to plan eight or nine different entry points or approaches for each lesson† (Moran, Kornhaber, & Gardner, 2007, p. 26).Burke (2007) reports that in art classes where teachers attempted to teach to every intelligence, students began to complain about far-fetched lessons. It is not always feasible, nor appropriate to attempt to conduct lessons in this way, and Gardner (1995a) agrees that to do so would be a waste of time and effort. Klein points out that the complication of growing class sizes combined with the â€Å"supposed existence of eight intelligences† and their various levels of operation, would result in an â€Å"explosion in the workload of the teachers who would have to plan and deliver these programs† (1997, p. 38). Whilst the identification of â€Å"strong† areas of intelligence in individuals can be beneficial, Klein (1997) predicts that this could also mean that students will avoid areas where their intelligence is deemed â€Å"weak. † Within an art program, for example, a student with strong verbal linguistic intelligence and weak spatial intelligence might focus their efforts more heavily in developing a written report on an artist case study and avoid tasks that require them to create or interpret compositions or work with 3D modeling.Furthermore, if a student ascribes their strong logical-mathematical intelligence to an ability such as the careful planning of measurements for a project, and the calculations prove to be more difficult then they expected, Klein suggests that they often quit as they â€Å"interpret failure as a lack of this ability† (1997, p. 389). MI has also been applied to classrooms in trivial ways. This includes the practices that exercise aspects of particular intelligence without cultivating the mind (Gardner, 1995a).An example of this would be to have students thrash their limbs about to make random marks on a surface without informing them of what energized mark-making is about and how it is relevant to art. In order to achieve deep learning, applications of MI should be student-focused, considering the intellectual attributes of each individual in order to plan educatio nal programs that are relevant, appropriate, fair and engaging (Gardner, 1995b). Understanding the dynamics of intelligences within a classroom can assist teachers in their provision of rich learning experiences.This means understanding which intelligences, both on an individual and class level, will create interference, compensation or enhancement (Moran, Kornhaber, & Gardner, 2007). Having students work collaboratively on projects can allow for intelligences to operate â€Å"across students†¦ to build shared strengths† (Moran, Kornhaber, & Gardner, 2007, p. 28). In concluding, Gardner (1998) maintains the position that MI theory can provide a rich, flexible and useful set of tools and ideas for teaching that allow educators to meet the needs of increasingly diverse classrooms by utilizing knowledge of and tapping into the specific intelligences and ubskills of individual students. MI can be useful in explaining the behavior of individuals and identifying obstacles in t heir learning with the aim of making teaching and learning relevant for more students in order to achieve deeper learning. However, to avoid misconception and subsequent misapplication of MI theory, educators must be aware of the debate that surrounds it and its progress as a continually developing empirical theory.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Personal Branding Plan Paper Essay

I am a 13 year Army Veteran, with commitment, loyalty, ambitious but also practical. I am continuing to learn and grow within my position. I was a supply sergeant in the military where I gained knowledge in different operating systems. I also have background in customer service from Taco Bell, numerous banks and my current employment. I believe that I’m a better employee because I’ve attained a lot of assorted skills from the different employments I have had over the years. These skills help me to work out problems resourcefully. I have always been good at working with little to no supervision. Identify 3 to 4 companies you want to work for and explain the reason why. Identify the best methods for contacting the companies and engaging those who might influence the hiring decisions. One company I would love to work for is the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Human Resource Department. Another company would be the Department of Defense. Another company is University Hospitals. I want to keep my talent in the medical or dental fields. I will summarize the reasons for employment at the various locations. As an employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs Human Resource Department I would be working for the leading most technological cutting-edge integrated health care facility in the Nation. I would have various opportunities for leadership positions at my disposal. With me having ties to the military and a disabled veteran I feel it is only necessary to continue in a field I am so passionate about. If I was to be hired at a Veterans Hospital I could transfer my military time to the civilian side to retire using both military and civilian time as time served. I will also get some of my same benefits as if I were still in the military. At this present time I am currently working for the Department of Defense as an Administrative Assistant for the Army Dental Laboratory. The benefits are outstanding; you receive 6 hours of paid leave time per pay  period (Annual Leave, 2001). I also receive sick leave pay which is 4 hours per pay period. The Department of Defense also has a retirement fund that you can contribute to and the government will match my contributions up to five percent. Did I forget to mention I get paid holidays; my only complaint here in this position would have to be there is no place for advancement in this office. Other places in the hospital where I am qualified to work there is room for advancement. The Department of Defense also has a Federal Student Loan Repayment Program for certain positions. The University Hospital here in Augusta would also be a top contender in my choices of places to work. Even though it has no affiliation with the military I would consider this hospital a third choice. It is the second largest acute care hospital in the region; it is the only Magnet Hospital in the surrounding areas. I would be a great asset to the University Hospital because of my previous experience in the labor and delivery department. The University Hospital likewise has eye-catching benefit packages. They have flexible shifts, opportunities for improvement to better positions, tuition repayment, and scholarships. The hospital in addition to the other benefits they have wellness education, a uniform shop on the premises, a credit union, and retirement funds. The University Hospital has 14 hospital or clinics in the surrounding area. Identify the best methods for contacting the companies for employment. All the hospitals applications are online for interested people to apply for the positions. The University Hospital has a local phone number you can call to inquire about certain positions as well as online applications. With the Department of Defense and Department of Veteran Affairs you have to apply online and in addition to the application you also have to submit supporting documents, to include previous job ratings. If you were ever in the military the DD 214 which is the discharge paper, any transcripts too. This paper has summarized my background and what makes me a unique person. Also it gives 3 companies I would like to work for and the reasons behind it. Lastly what is the best ways to contact the companies? Everyone is using some form of technology to get their future employees, by computers, telephones and even knowing someone at the company are the best way to get your foot in the door. Reference Page: Annual Leave. (2001). Retrieved May 25, 2014, from OPM GOVERNMETN POLICY: http://www.opm,gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/leave-administrative/fact-sheets/annua-leave/ University Health Care System. (2009). Retrieved May 26, 2014, from VA Jobs Home. (2014, May 13 last updated). Retrieved May 26, 2014, from US Department of Veterans Affairs:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Reflection Paper - Essay Example All of these skills are involved in planning and implementing change. The first place that organizations must start in their planning process is the business plan. For some small businesses, this plan can be the most difficult to write, but once written, it will steer the organization for many years. As the business plan is written, a marketing plan and a strategic plan are other parts of the planning process. Each of these plans will need to be updated as the organization changes and grows. The very nature of planning suggests that change must happen Many organizations have had challenges with planning for many reasons. Some organizations are so involved with the day to day operations that they feel they have no time to plan. Others do not plan because they know it means change and they are afraid of what change may bring to their organizations. Some organizations know they should plan, but they do not understand what is involved in the planning process. These businesses may fail if they do not plan on a regular basis. An important aspect of planning is to define it so that each individual in an organization understands what they are doing. According to the Business Dictionary (2009), planning is: [The] process of identifying an organizations immediate and long-term objectives and formulating and monitoring specific strategies to achieve them. It also entails staffing and resource allocation †¦ Planning models are plentiful in the filed of leadership and organizational development. For the purpose of this reflection, two strategic planning models have been chosen for review. Every organization chooses a planning model that fits their needs. Most of these models have several components. As an example, Van der Werffs (1998) model has three phases: The SWOT model is a well known planning model that is used by many organizations. In this model, the organization

Friday, September 27, 2019

Enzyme Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enzyme Activity - Essay Example This helps in enhancing the lively activities of the living beings. The free radical formation is an important cause in causing and increasing a disease. The enzymes that act as scavengers and remove ROS can help in preventive methods of some critical diseases. The investigations regarding the enzymes that are critical for the bacterial existence provide information about physiology of microbes. The understanding of cell metabolism, evolution of bacteria and the interactions between bacterium and host can be enhanced. With this information it is possible to explain the mechanisms that regulate the organism and to find out the proteins that are necessary of existence of the cell. According to Brendan Burns, George Mendz and Stuart Hazell in the case of CAA the resonances arising from -CH and -CH2 groups of the aspartate moiety have chemical shifts and coupling constants different from those of the amino acid aspartate. Thus, it was possible to make an unambiguous assignment of CAA.2 The investigations in other enzymes lack this type of identification in case of complex activities. Regarding the results related to the study of enzymes in H Pylori the NMR method will give good results when combined with radio active tracer analysis and spectrophotometry. The activity of the enzyme in the development of H pylori is useful in developing therapeutic drugs as it was found essential for existence and growth of H Pylori. The above activity was related to the enzyme investigation regarding the existence of disease causing bacteria. There are number of enzymes with varying activities. Some enzymes even effect the skeletal in animals (as well as in human beings). These activities are studied to solve the problems regarding the muscle problems. After the structure (skeleton) of the human body the muscle is the thing, which contributes strength and movement for it. The enzymes, which affect the fibre and the muscle, play an important role in developing methods to increase or preserve the efficiency of the muscle fibre. There are 3 types of fibres according to P. D. Gollnick, R.B. Armstrong, C.W.Saubertiv, K. Piehl, and B. Stalin (1972). These fibres are interconvertibility depends on the training given. The training proved to increase red muscle at the expense of white muscle. This means that the enzyme activity was changed due to training as the enzymes acting in the existence of red and white muscles are different. FIG. 1. Serial sections from vastus lateralis muscle stained for DPNH-diaphorase (lop) and rnyosin ATPase (boltom) from four sub- jects. A and B: untrained middle-aged subject (BA). Note relatively large fibers and light DPNH-diaphorase stain in both FT and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Team work development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Team work development - Essay Example Teamwork building and development training take a series of the learning and training approaches. Burn notes the first learning approach as the cognitive approach whereby a person uses his or her personal instinct to learn the good morals and behaviors in a manner which is in line with the success of the group. The reinforcement approach is applied at the mature stage as the group develops into a more focus driven and task oriented team. Considering that most task performance related groups are made up of adult persons, the management and leadership in such teams should realize the need to incorporate adult ideas and views in the development process, what Brooks refers to as andragogy (Brooks, 2005). Hanwit views teamwork building and training process in a series of four stages stipulated below: Forming (awareness) stage This stage as Lewis argues is very crucial in the life cycle of any group and that any group. The forming process is the initial stage and involves the identificatio n of one's self within the group and the ability to work with the team members. At this stage, the group members show less regard in their work and to each other as long as they keep their courses clear (Lewis et al, 2008). The forming stage as the name suggests is the stage at which the group is being formed and is compared to a toddler who is learning how to walk. Lippincott notes that at this stage, feelings, weaknesses and mistakes done by beach member is covered up by him or herself or by the close friends within the group, in addition he adds that there is a lack of shared understanding of what needs to be done (Lippincott, 1994). This usually happens as the group members... This stage as Lewis argues is very crucial in the life cycle of any group and that any group. The forming process is the initial stage and involves the identification of one's self within the group and the ability to work with the team members. At this stage, the group members show less regard for their work and to each other as long as they keep their courses clear (Lewis et al, 2008). The forming stage as the name suggests is the stage at which the group is being formed and is compared to a toddler who is learning how to walk. Lippincott notes that at this stage, feelings, weaknesses and mistakes are done by each member is covered up by him or herself or by the close friends within the group, in addition, he adds that there is a lack of shared understanding of what needs to be done (Lippincott, 1994). This usually happens as the group members get acquainted with each other and the various members get to identify the abilities, talents and skills possessed by each member of the grou p. Any group which passes this is then able to move on to the next stage.This is the most unstable stage in the entire process of teamwork development. At this stage, the personal identification is revealed as people get to know each. The weaknesses and strengths of each individual are exposed as the group members interact and discover each others potentials and weaknesses. As opposed to the forming stage, at the storming stage, these character traits are not hidden anymore and clearly expose themselves.

Segregation and Disenfranchisement of African-Americans from 1875 to Research Paper

Segregation and Disenfranchisement of African-Americans from 1875 to 1900 - Research Paper Example These segregations and disenfranchisement were witnessed in both the Southern and Northern states (Andrews 54). After the American Civil war in 1870, the endorsement of the Fifteenth Amendment on the American constitution followed, preventing any state from denying any male citizen the right to vote based on racial prejudgments. The African American community made up the majority population in states such as Mississippi and Louisiana besides forming a sizeable population in other former Confederate states. The whites in these states resisted the rights of the freedman to exercise political power, will, and right. The whites feared black dominance and practised violence, assassinations, and intimidation to thwart the efforts of the freedman to participate in active politics in the last quarter of the 19th century. Consequently, Black voting reduced remarkably in most Southern States giving white democrats a chance to regain control of the political offices of the region (Rable 103). T his research attempts to retrace the developments that took place concerning segregation and disenfranchisement of African Americans from 1875 to 1900. Segregation and Disenfranchisement of African-Americans (1875-1900) In 1875, the Congress approved the first Civil Rights Act that assured the black community equal rights in restaurants, theatres, juries and transportation. The law was however brought down in 1883 on court orders, with the court taking the stance that the Constitution mandates the Congress to act only on discrimination by government and not by citizens. Besides the court system, there were other forces that adamantly fought to ensure the African American Community did not exercise their right to vote. For example, a paramilitary group called the Red Shirts, formed in Mississippi 1875, fought against racial equality in North and South Carolina (DuBois 26). It was a well organized and open society consisting of armed confederate soldiers that worked for political aims . This group intended to remove the republicans from office and scare the freedmen to keep them from voting. The Red Shirts was just one of the groups in the Southern States that were determined to keep the black community away from the polls and ensure a white democratic took over the southern governments in the elections of 1876 (Kousser 85). The other example that highlight racial segregation in late 19th century was the Battle of Little Big Horn, which the Cheyenne Indians and Sioux won 1876 with the killing of General Custer George. This battle was a consequence of continued violation of the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty that saw white Americans move in droves to seek gold in the Black Hills. This was an intrusion into African American territory and invasion of property. In the political spheres, the election of President Rutherford Hayes in 1877 saw Reconstruction grind to a stop. Most of the federal soldiers in the south were withdrawn and those that remained did little to protect the rights of the African American Community. This year also witnessed the return of the ‘home rule’ to the previously secessionist states. With the return of this rule began the rekindling of white supremacy, racial segregation, and disenfranchisement of the freedman. As a result, strikes and sit-ins were organized with the first national strike occurring in this period. This violent strike that was directed at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company saw the death of 19 people (DuBois 39). The

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International Market Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Market Research - Essay Example Along with that, the interactive setting can help the moderator focus on the non verbal aspects of the participants, i.e., the expression, attitude of the individual etc, which can help in giving clearer insight of the participants’ beliefs. Also, the possibility of screening each participant lets the researcher know who is involved in the discussion process, e.g., a competitor maybe. In our case, if the majority of our participants are the buyers, it can help us gain a better understanding as to what their demands and hence, queries entail(Patton, 1990). The observation method of conducting research is developed to observe individuals in their natural setting. There can be participant and non- participant observations. This method helps in overcoming issues of validity. It also helps in covering those areas which are not easily accessible through means of speech communication, for example, when an individual isn’t cooperating in disclosing certain information. Observat ions can also help researchers in studying trends of a particular market in great detail and how the attitudes of the buyers are affecting those trends.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Are the Government in Northern Ireland doing enough to promote green Essay

Are the Government in Northern Ireland doing enough to promote green design and technology to home owner's carrying out domest - Essay Example The authorities that monitor the construction sector in Northern Ireland have published a series of rules referring to the standards applied on buildings, which are constructed or renovated using green design. These issues are analytically discussed below; emphasis is given on the avoidance of the government to provide specific incentives to homeowners for using green design technology. It is proved that the government of Northern Ireland has the willingness to promote the green design and the green building; however, its relevant initiatives often fail to meet the above target because of one of the following reasons: a) they are not completed successfully, or b) they are not made known to the people who are not aware that specific practices need to be introduced in domestic renovation works. Indeed, it has been proved that people in Northern Ireland are not appropriately informed on their country’s initiatives and rules in regard to the green design and the green building. Th e target on which the country’s government should focus is not just the increase of the volume of its legislative work – referring especially to green design and green building – but also on the improvement of its communication with the people. 1. Driving factors behind the government’s strategic position in relation to encouraging green design. The government of Northern Ireland has been actively involved in efforts for promoting sustainability and green design – being influenced rather from the relevant practices of the UK government. As for the characteristics of the government’s position towards the green design and the green building, these can be identified – among other activities and statements, as analyzed in the sections that follow – in the proposals of the members of the government for the update of the Building Regulations – so that ‘the use of renewable energy to become compulsory in all new builds fr om 2008’ (Mongabay 2006). The initiatives of the government of Northern Ireland for the promotion of green design have been emerged – among other reasons - because of the increase of global warming and the need for saving energy in households across the country. This need is highlighted in a report published in 2007; in the specific report it is noted that ‘Green Party Irish government ministers’ (BBC News, 2007) highlighted the need for the establishment of ‘an element of renewable energy such as solar power or biomass heating’ (BBC News, 2007) in homes across Ireland. The above proposal has been one of the various activities developed by the Irish government in regard to the promotion of green design and green technology; it must be noted here though that the relevant projects are often influenced by the British green design – which is, in any case, based on the rules of sustainability. The activities of the government of Northern Ire land in the particular sector, i.e. the promotion of green design and green technology, are presented below. As for the driving factors of these initiatives, these could be described as follows: a) the need for aligning the national policies with the similar policies of other countries worldwide; b) the need for reducing the energy consumed by households across the country; the green design and the green technology can provide a major part (about the 2/3) of the daily energy needs of a household –

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Discussions 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussions 2 - Essay Example When they run off the road, its June Star who mentions that no one has been killed - yet. The reader knows the "yet" is inevitable when the three men get out of the car. In the grandmothers eyes Red Sammy is a "good man." This is why OConnor tells the reader so much about him because she wants to characterize the difference between a good man and a "bad man." This is the classic "good vs. evil" theme. There are only two references to Hiram in the entire story and they are both about him and his expertise of the car. He is not described at all other than saying he has a grey hat. A Narrow Fellow in the Grass -- it seems that she is using personification in that she is giving a snake in the grass the title of "boy." She also uses a lot of simile -- the grass divides with a comb (like hair is divided), the shaft of "hair" that is spotted. Another simile, "Unbraided in the sun" as the snake slithers away instead of being picked up. "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" is a metaphor because she is actually talking about a snake and not a boy. She also uses imagery because we can see the scene she points out. Using phrases like the first paragraph where she points out that the grass parts and then closes -- the reader can see this happening. Also, the fact that she gets a little scared whenever she sees a snake, though she treats the snake with kindness. Wild Nights -- it seems that the writer is comparing wild desires (aka wild sexual desire) to the way that a ship at sea is thrown back and forth when the winds are highest. It is as thought her sexual desire (maybe she has had this happen before and wants a bit more) is as tempestuous as the sea. 6. Black poets -- all of these men wrote poems about what they believed in and what they understood. They had many references to slavery and to the plight of the black man. All of their poems are vibrant with passion and imagery. Langston Hughes always seems to make the reader see in similes. In "Let America Be America

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Wicked Day by Mary Stewart Essay Example for Free

The Wicked Day by Mary Stewart Essay The Wicked Day, Mary Stewart’s concluding volume of the four-book series called the Arthurian Saga proved to be another fantastic display of mastery in Middle Ages inspired literature. Stewart’s primary modification the original Arthurian legends is making Mordred, originally Arthur’s twice-removed cousin, into Arthur’s bastard son to his half-sister Morgause. Although I initially did not like this alteration, this book proved to be an enchanting version of the original legend of King Arthur and his knights after all. What I liked about it most is its non-typical approach to the characters. In the original legends which I’ve also read, the dialogue used was not very exciting, and the emotional impact of events that unfolded was not so intense. Stewart’s take on Arthur is a lot more mature, making her book stand heads and shoulders above the bland mass of other fairy tales whether in book or screen which is based on the story. She presents Arthur, Mordred, Morguese and the rest as three-dimensional characters in a realistic world. Arthur himself was not shown as a faultless leader, neither was Morguese shown as evil incarnate as she usually was in the original where she also wasn’t portrayed to have had an affair with Arthur. Morguese in Stewart’s book was shown more like a victim of circumstance, and even Mordred was humanized in Stewart’s tale, a man without lack of conscience who must battle his own demons and settle his grievances against a father who abandoned him. I think these elements make the entire saga and its inevitable ending portrayed in this installment as a lot more morally gray, it makes it hard for me to judge whether a particular character is good or bad and I ended up not doing so at all. Truly a treat for Arthur lovers everywhere, the magic in her book is subtle yet captivating. Source: Stewart, Mary. (1983). The Wicked Day. Ballantine Books.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Conflicts In The Nile Basin History Essay

Conflicts In The Nile Basin History Essay The Nile is the longest river in the world, it is 6860 km long, it is supplied by two great river systems, the 1st one is the White Nile (in the Lake Plateau) which is surrounded by Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, an Burundi; and the other one is the Blue Nile (in Eritrea and the Ethiopian highlands); while in the north there are Egypt and Sudan that receive their water from the previously mentioned sources. The Nile River had a great role in making history on its banks, a lot of civilizations and nations were made on them; The Nile Basin consists of 10 nations which are: Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi with a total population of three hundred millions and it is expected to be doubled in the next twenty five years, the basin itself is 3,000,000 Km square that covers about 10% of the African continent area; There is no doubt that with the increasing of population, the water requirement is also increased in addition to the water that is needed for agriculture and energy production. It is may also be important to know that all the basin nations are really poor maybe the poorest in the world (except for Kenya and Egypt) and that poverty increases rates of disease and starvation. According to the terms of the agreement that was made in 1929 between Britain (the colonial power of Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya, Egypt and Sudan have the absolute right to use 100% of the Niles water, while in 1959 there was another one between Sudan and Egypt. Since 1992 a lot of efforts were exerted to push the basin nations towards development and cooperation, and finally in 1999 there was the establishment of the NBI (Nile Basin Initiative), it was developed by the World Bank, Canadian International Development Agency and the United Nations Development Programme, it was established to decrease the tension between those nations and to help them to develop and gain regional stability by controlling and planning the water resources all together. Any management of any river basin in the world is complex, while the Nile Basin may be considered to be the most complex one because of its history of poverty, sacrifices, wars and insecurity, and on the other hand, the rapid and non-stoppable population growth on its banks that surely increases water and energy requirements, and that is why the NBI must have a great role in managing all those challenges and ensure the cooperation between all the nations. Recently the conflicts became even more aggressive between the Nile basin nations when 4 Nile nations which are Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Uganda have together signed an agreement that allows them to use more amounts of Nile waters in development projects and irrigation, meanwhile Egypt and Sudan didnt agree and they convinced Burundi, Eritrea, Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya of not signing on that agreement. Discussion: The Challenge: The Nile Basin consists of 10 nations which are: Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi with a total population of three hundred millions and it is expected to be doubled in the next twenty five years, the basin itself is 3,000,000 Km square that covers about 10% of the African continent area; There is no doubt that with the increasing of population, the water requirement is also increased in addition to the water that is needed for agriculture and energy production. The River Nile is 6672 km long and it is the second longest river in the whole world, and it is supplied by 2 main sources, the first one comes from Lake Victoria and forms the White Nile that passes through Uganda and ends in Sudan while the second source is in the Ethiopian highlands and forms the Blue Nile that meets the White Nile at Khartoum then it continues northward to pass through Egypt and ends into the Mediterranean Sea. The River Nile for Egypt is everything; People in Egypt has always been connected to the Nile from the day of their birth till the moment of their death; Historically, in the fifth century B.C. Herodotus described Egypt as the gift of the Nile, and after Nasser built the dam at Aswan, the connection was reinforced more and more, Egypt depends mainly on the River Nile as a water supply and with the rapid increase in population, the water demands become more. In 1929 an agreement was held between Britain and Egypt and another one in1959 that was held between Egypt and Sudan, both have given the downstream nations their natural right of the Niles waters, construction of dams was approved and the water was divided as follows: Egypt has forty eight billions cubic meters, Sudan has four billions, and thirty two million will end into the Mediterranean Sea; now that was acceptable then because the rest of the upstream countries were not developed, and their population was relatively low, today those countries need to develop and they need to develop new projects and construct dams and that would be a high threat to the downstream nations as the downstream nations want to renegotiate about the old treaty, on the other hand, Egypt has refused to renegotiate and considers its share of water a natural right and became prepared for any military action as Egypt is known as the most powerful military power in Africa. Egypt receives 97.5% of the Niles water and Sudan receives 77%, however, it is very important to make clear that the water distribution between the Nile Nations is fair because of the following: The 7 upstream nations are located in humid areas they have rainfall average range from 1250 to 1500mm annually, on the other hand it is 500mm in Sudan and Eritrea while it is not more than 15mm in Egypt annually. Egypts climate is hyper arid with high temperature that will cause rapid evaporation and will definitely cause marked losses of water resources in Egypt. The upstream nations receive about 1500 billion cubic meters every year while on the other hand Egypt receives only 85 cubic billion meters every year and that equals 5-7% of the total water resources. The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) In 1999 the Nile Basin Initiative was established and developed by the World Bank, CIDA, and the UNDP, it was established in order to decrease the conflicts and the tensions between the Nile basin nations and help them to cooperate and develop the water resources of the Nile. It was supported by a lot of donors including Denmark, Canada, Germany, Japan, Finland, Italy, Norway, the UK, the Netherlands, the US, Swede, the African Development Bank, GEF, FAO, the World Bank and UNDP. The NBI has stated that they can make successful 100% development that will definitely lead to more food and energy production, development of industry, development of transportation, and other regional activities development. The projects of the NBI include fishing projects, management of water, management of the floods, reduction of the pollution, and finally controlling the waterborne diseases. Management of water resources is considered to be a very complex process in any river basin, and if you realized that the Nile basin has always been characterized by poverty, water scarcity, huge population, and long history of wars and insecurity then you will understand how complex and difficult it can be. NBI knew that cooperative development is the only way for the greatest results and maximum benefits to all of the Niles basin nations, the NBI provides the shared vision and a base for cooperative development, and its primary objectives are: Developing the water resources of the Nile Basin in an equitable way in order to ensure: Security Prosperity Peace Ensure the optimal use of the Nile Basin water resources Ensure joint action and cooperation between all the Nile Basin nations Eliminate poverty and enhance economic renaissance Transforming the plan into action and the dream to a fact Conflict in the Nile Basin In Entebbe, Uganda, 14-2-2010, 4 upriver nations which are Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda have started and signed an agreement that allows them to have more management of the Nile waters to use them in development projects and irrigation. That agreement was made while the negotiations with the downstream nations were standstill; on the other hand the reaction of the downstream nations was not sending any delegations but they have used diplomacy in convincing Burundi, Kenya, Eritrea, and Congo not to sign on that agreement. The 7 upstream nations now consider the old treaties unfair and demand more water to be used for irrigation and development projects. Egypt cleared that cooperation between the Nile Basin nations is the only way to achieve maximum benefits and that the upstream nations can make better use of the water resources they already have (rainfall), however, the upstream nations are threatening that they would sign another agreement that will exclude Sudan and Egypt and distribute the Nile waters in a new way; that agreement is considered to be a death sentence to all the Egyptians, and that was what made Egypt announce that it will take whichever action may be found necessary to secure its share in the River Nile. Another important fact to be mentioned is that Israel is participating in building dams in Uganda on the Nile waters and that increases the worries and the tension of the Egyptians. It is matter of time for Sudan and Egypt to specify their reaction against that new agreement, and they have to make a serious act to protect their rights of the Niles water; every country has to pay everything to protect its national security. Solutions and recommendations: Basin nations are depending on each other, they are all linked to the River Nile, if Nile nations have cooperated and managed Nile waters all together, synergy will be created between them and conflicts between them will be resolved, and regional stability and development will be achieved; That could only happen if all the Nile nations have reached a legal agreement between all of them based on trust, shared interest, and common bond. Collaborative management will help in reaching peace between all the Nile nations, because if we managed to share water, the struggle for life will disappear, and battles between tribes, clans, families, neighbors and nations will also disappear. The Basin Nations must know that natural resources (water) can bring peace and cooperation instead of fighting each other, they can use that water to build new culture and new developments. Another useful solution is to take into consideration the opinions of the public including farmers, women, different organizations, and fishers. Finally there must be management schemes that determine the rightful share of water for each country according to its needs and in order to help all the Nile nations to use the Niles water today and in the future with easy accessibility and based on the shared interests and the broad participation. Conclusion:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

The narrator of The Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man was born to a â€Å"colored† mother and white father. This combination of his identity led him to encounter many internal and external challenges. Physically he appeared white, so he experienced being able to â€Å"pass† as both â€Å"colored† or white whenever he wished. Being able do such a thing, the narrator struggled with racial boundaries. He embodied almost every permutation, intentional or unintentional, of the experience when encountering various racial (white and â€Å"colored†) communities, eventually deciding to pass as white at the end of the novel. Due to cowardice, instead of representing his race, he suppressed the African-American part of his identity and destroyed his chances of achieving true contentedness and self-awareness. â€Å"Passing† was a common theme seen in many novels that came to relevance during the Harlem Renaissance. This phenomenon dealt with the impermeability of racial boundaries when a person with any amount of African-American blood was considered â€Å"colored†Ã¢â‚¬ . The narrator dealt with this complicated aspect of his life through innumerable experiences while being a part of white and â€Å"colored† communities. Although his mother was â€Å"colored†, his father, who was absent during his childhood, was a white man. In spite of of his â€Å"colored† roots, the narrator had the advantage of outwardly appearing white, thus being able to pass as a white man whenever he desired. He often considered his meaningful African-American origin, but typically resorted to associating with the white race: eventually suppressing the â€Å"colored† element of his identity completely. The narrator was unaware of his â€Å"colored† origin early on in his life. He was observant of his surroundings, but never... ...ith the â€Å"colored† people: he chose to disassociate. The narrator of The Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man decided not to fight for racial equality in America for his fellow African-American, or even for himself, but rather conformed with the white majority thus selecting the uncomplicated path: the path that would lead him to security and safety in the years to come. After struggling with his identity in the white and African-American community as a â€Å"colored† man who could pass as white, he decided to discard his â€Å"colored† roots and stick with his white origin. By doing such a thing, he was able to live a simple, respectful, and safe life, but he abandoned a very significant part of his identity. He felt slight remorse towards the end of the novel, but self-interest held more importance to him than embracing the cultural heritage of the African-American community.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

lab on solutions :: essays research papers

I Introduction A. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to determine if the temperature of water effects the rate at which salt dissolves. B. Hypothesis: If the temperature of the water increases then the rate at which the salt dissolves will increase.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Science Concepts: Solution- one substance dissolved in another   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Solute- the substance that gets dissolved   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Solvent- the substance that the solute gets dissolved in Characteristic property- a property that is unique to a substance, does not change depending on the amount of a substance, and can identify the substance Physical change- when a substance changes physically but is not chemically effected Solubility- the amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a given amount solvent at a given temperature In the experiment the solubility of salt was tested in different temperatures of water. The solute was the salt and the solvent was the water. The salt dissolved in the water to form a solution. When the salt dissolved a physical change took place. Solubility along with melting point, freezing point, and density is a characteristic property. II Procedure 1. massing cups and a triple beam balance were used to measure 0.5 grams of salt 2. 100 ml of cold water was measured and poured into a beaker using a graduated cylinder 3. the temperature of the water was measured and recorded on a data table 4. the salt was poured into the water and the stop watch was started 5. the water was stirred as the salt crystals dissolved 6. the number of seconds it took for the salt to dissolve was measured and recorded on a data table 7. the experiment was repeated using room temperature and warm water  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   8. each group did one trial III Results/Conclusions A. Experimental Data: The results of the experiment indicate that the warmer the solvent was the faster the solute dissolved. When the water was 9 °C it took 51.66 seconds to dissolve. When the water was 57 °C it took only 13.15 seconds to dissolve.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Graphs and Tables: see attached C. Evaluate Prediction/Hypothesis: The results of the experiment support the hypothesis. The hypothesis stated that the slat would dissolve faster if the water was heated. The salt in the warmer water dissolved about four times faster than the salt in the cold water. IV Extension and Summery A. Extension: Some causes of experimental error may have been how fast the stirrer was stirring. This could have been fixed by having the same person stirring each time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Warfare in Polygamy Essay -- Marriage Spouse

Warfare in Polygamy Introduction Marriage is a universal trait of human kinship and social organization. It probably developed very early in the course of human social history. In human society, several cultures have used marriage to carry out some widespread functions. Some people are married because of love or romance. Yet, others are married for economic security, economic contribution, heritage, or political reason. However, in spite of these general features, different cultures have developed different pattern of regulations and customs that determine prohibitions and preferences for marriage partners. These regulations and customs are also helped to shape expectations between spouses and in-laws Monogamy is the major form of marriage and is closely associated with most societies of Europe and Asia, while polygyny is found in traditional societies such as Africa. According to "The History of Human Marriage," monogamy, always the predominant form of marriage, has been more prevalent at the lowest stages of civilization than at somewhat higher stages; whilst, at a still higher stage, polygyny has again, to a great extent, yielded to monogamy" (Westermarck, 505). Yet, some polygyny can be found in more advanced societies such as Eurasia. Other regions that are associated with polygyny include Circum-Mediterranean, Insular Pacific, North America, and South America. However, the percentage of occurrence is very different in each society. Because polygyny in different society serves a different purpose, the causation for participation in collective fighting in polygyny of different society will be different. For instance, in Africa, plural marriage is far more general. According "the Factors of Polygamy in African... support that the causation for women to participate in collective fighting will differentiate across societies and countries. Reference DorJahn, V. "The Factors of Polygamy in African Demography." Continuity and Change in African Cultures.In Herskovits, M., and Bascom, W. (eds.), Chicago: 1959, p. 125-158. Goody, Jack. "Polygyny, Economy and the Role of Women." The Character Of Kinship.Cambridge University Press, London: 1973, p.175-189. Spencer, Paul. "Polygyny as a Measure of Social Differentiation in Africa." ASA Essay in Social Anthropology.Institute For the Study of Human Issues Publisher, Philadelphia: v.3, 1980, p.117-160. Westermarck, E. the History of Human Marriage.London, 1893. White, Douglas R. "Rethinking Polygyny" Current Anthropology.The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, The U.S., V 29, No 4, 1988, p. 529-571.

Lady Macbeth Letter Essay

I have just finished reading a letter hand written from my husband Macbeth. He has informed me about a mysterious prediction that was made to him by three not mortal beings. The letter tells of how his prediction says he would be King of Scotland, and before this Thane of Cawdor. The foresight that he would be Cawdor was not incorrect – so why not to be king? My wonderful husband could become king and I, Queen of Scotland. Macbeth would be a noble king, far more worthy than Duncan. King Duncan is not fit to be called a man let alone king of a country grand as Scotland. My courageous Macbeth was the reason the war against the barbaric Norwegians was won, not Duncan. The only problem is by the time Duncan’s reign on the throne has ended, when the wretch is dead and buried, I too and Macbeth shall most likely be old and feeble – if not dead ourselves. I must find a way to put an end to Duncan, I cannot risk losing an opportunity as grand as this for Macbeth and myself. Perhaps murder is the only options, I could not commit such a thing myself, I have not the strength nor the willpower but Macbeth? The trouble would be convincing him, Duncan has such high opinions of my love and Macbeth returns the favour equally as well; but he loves me and I am sure I can convince him. Maybe when I show him what this could mean for us and use my feminine charm on him he’ll be convinced. I am not deceiving him, the eventual result is for his benefit, how I miss him so much already, he’s such a wonderful man and would make such a worthy king. I can hardly wait for him to return, it’ll be so wonderful. He was a born ruler, my true love; we shall be King and Queen Macbeth of Scotland. I do not care that ‘God’ chose King Duncan – I will give my husband his crown and we shall rule. Even if I have to call down the evil spirits and take my emotions away, I want to feel like a man and kill him without remorse. I must go now and decide how he shall die, farewell.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Problem Of The Endometriosis Disease Health And Social Care Essay

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) for illustration isobutylphenyl propionic acid or naproxen Na are normally administrated to alleviate catamenial cramping and pelvic hurting. Although they do non shrivel endometrial implants, they help to diminish prostaglandin productions which produce hurting esthesis. [ 4 ] Most of medical interventions available depend on break of estrogen endocrine production by the ovaries as Endometriosis occurs during menses. GnRH parallels and unwritten preventive pills are some illustrations of medicines. [ 4 ]Gonadotropin-releasing endocrine parallels ( GnRH parallels )These drugs are really effectual to cut down the size of Endometriosis implants besides relieve hurting. They inhibit regulative endocrines secernment from pituitary secretory organ and suppress estrogen production to halt menses. [ 4 ]Figure 2: GnRH parallels available in Gluteal injection, guarantee the success of the intervention, estrogen and Lipo-Lutin are taken to avoid side effects. [ 4 ] ( 135 )Oral preventive pillsThese are the most common combination of estrogen and Lipo-Lutin in the signifier of ( OCP ) to handle Endometriosis. Women with terrible catamenial hurting demand to take it continuously. [ 4 ] As a consequence, menses Michigans and this will liberate them from enduring the painful, straitening experience of Endometriosis. Other drugs used to handle adenomyosis:Danazol ( Danocrine )It is a type of man-made drug that produces a high androgen ( male endocrine ) but low estrogen ( female endocrine ) . It is proven that 80 % of adult females overcome the hurting with decrease of the Endometriosis implants ‘ size. [ 4 ] Furthermore, it is normally prescribed to cut down blood loss particularly during hypermenorrhea. [ 26 ] Womans holding liver, kidney, and bosom jobs are non recommended to take Danazol. [ 4 ]Figure 3: Danazol consequence, hypertext transfer protocol: // 130 )B ) Surgical interventionIf medical interventions do non work, or Endometriosis is terrible, surgery is the concluding pick. It is applied on status where there is pelvic variety meats anatomic deformation, intestine or urinary piece of land obstructor. Surgery can be classified as conservative or unequivocal. The purpose of conservative is to continue the ovarian tissue and womb, while unequivocal involve hysterectomy ( uterus remotion ) with or without removable of both ovaries. [ 5 ] Laparoscopy is done in conservative surgery by utilizing optical maser to destruct Endometriosis sedimentations, take ovarian cysts, divide adhesions, and egest every bit small healthy tissue as possible. [ 6 ] Surgery is really effectual to cut down hurting, but the success to better bomber birthrate depends on the badness of the disease in the first topographic point. There is 60 % success rate of gestation for adult females with moderate Endometriosis, while merely 35 % opportunity for adult females with terrible disease. [ 6 ] [ 3 ]Figure 4: Laparoscopy: Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // 148 )Social and Economic DeductionsWomans enduring with Endometriosis normally do non recognize that they are holding the disease until they are affected severely by it. For them, the hurting is normal without seeing a doctor for cheque up. Patients will happen it hard to make any activities during that period. Plus, their emotions are in unstable status and this can take to emphasize to the single herself. [ 21 ] This might impact the relationship between the patients and the people around them. Besides that, loss of appetency will do them to lose weight and do their organic structures go weak due to miss of nutrition. In an article of Rapi Magazine, published on 15 April 2009, a patient named Nor Hasnilah said that the hurting was intense and affected her severely until she even can non travel to work. The lone thing she can make was lying on the bed and her duties as a female parent of two kids and a married woman were neglected. [ 21 ] Therefore supports from hubby, household members and friends are vitally of import for adult females covering with Endometriosis. Furthermore, sometimes these patients are sterile. [ 5 ] Inability of acquiring a kid will do the patient to be in a great hurt particularly for twosomes who have been married for several old ages. Taking medicines in which the side effects are sometimes hard to digest will be an obstruction for them and accordingly do the patient to lose hope. They may experience abashed and deficiency of assurance when confronting people or frustrated by deficiency of energy. This could take to serious societal impact and concerns to people around them. In add-on, the cost depends on the type of interventions chosen. Selected interventions such as utilizing the newer drugs like GnRH agonist and surgery are more expensive. The cost of surgery depends on patient ‘s venue and the extent of his/her surgery. In the U.S, typical outpatient laparoscopy is really dearly-won, normally in the scope of $ 12,000 to $ 15,000. It could be dual if extended surgery is done and the patient is admitted for a few yearss. [ 11 ] Hence, it would do immense fiscal load and major economic impact to the household. ( 359 )Benefits and HazardsNSAIDs are truly effectual to alleviate hurting and do non necessitate other medicines if they do work. However, frequent used of these drugs will advance the development of ulcers and Gastrointestinal piece of land shed blooding. Such effects could be monitored carefully by doctors since the drugs were being administered under them. [ 27 ] GnRH parallels and Aromatase inhibitors work efficaciously to alleviate hurting and shrivel the size of Endometriosis implants. Lack of estrogen production due to these drugs will do osteoporosis, weariness, temper alterations, and vaginal waterlessness. Usually physician will give pill incorporating little sum of estrogen and Lipo-Lutin to avoid most of the side effects. [ 4 ] Enough Ca consumptions besides are needed to forestall osteoporosis. Drug like OCP helps to alleviate hurting by stamp downing estrogen formation and halt menses. Weight addition, chest tenderness, depression, and irregular uterine hemorrhage are some of the hazards. [ 4 ] Patients are advised to take balance diet to acquire adequate foods and exercise on a regular basis to avoid weight addition and to cut down emphasis. Breast tenderness and irregular hemorrhage are merely mild side effects. So patients should be carefully monitored by doctor to avoid even terrible effects. ( 190 ) Statisticss shows that 75 % adult females develop side effects after taking Danazol. [ 4 ] The hazards are:Figure 5: Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // the alterations are reversible. Danazol works efficaciously to alleviate hurting and cut down the size of Endometriosis implants. [ 4 ] Hirsutism can be treated by local remotion of unwanted hair [ 29 ] while practising healthy life style such as exercising and proper consumptions of foods can get the better of other jobs. Basically all of medicines have their ain benefits and hazards. The opportunity for Endometriosis to repeat after surgery can be every bit high as 40 % . [ 5 ] Careful observation by doctor is needed although the implants have been removed. It is critical to educate and actuate patients about the hazards. ( 139 )Alternate SolutionsAcupuncture and Herb teas TreatmentsHerbal medical specialty uses medicative workss applied internally and externally to bring around disease. Herbs work by heightening the organic structure ‘s immune system with natural attack. The use of herbs with modern intervention boosts the effectivity to handle Endometriosis. [ 9 ] Combination of herbal expression and stylostixis points are chosen harmonizing to the person ‘s Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosing and different for each individual. Some common stylostixis points for Endometriosis intervention can be located on ears, venters, carpuss, pess, and legs by utilizing acerate leafs for 20 to 45 proceedingss. [ 9 ] These combinations help to ease the free flow of energy through the organic structure besides aid to smooth blood flow, interrupt up stagnancy and halt hurting. Each point and herb chosen has its ain curative importance in Endometriosis intervention. [ 9 ] â€Å" Great for intestine related hurting I have found that Chinese herbs and stylostixis aid tremendously in bracing the intestine, and therefore cut downing hurting ( along with a dairy free diet ) . † Posted over 6 old ages ago ( 10/24/03 )Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // is besides known as ‘natural medical specialty ‘ ( the power of organic structure to mend itself ) . It requires 6-12 months period of intervention depending on the badness and continuance of the status [ 25 ] . It is a holistic attack since adenomyosis plan in Naturopathy considers the patient ‘s diet, lifestyle, cleansing and endocrine reconciliation herbs, including hurting alleviation ‘s herbs and external readyings to clear toxicity in abdominal country. Furthermore, instructions for soft exercising plan are besides included. [ 9 ] This intervention will success if dietetic and lifestyle alterations are followed purely by the patients to forestall reoccurrences. Combination of diet and non-invasive therapies are conducted to heighten mending procedure. [ 9 ] ( 272 )AromatherapyAromatherapy uses the natural aromatic facets of workss into indispensable oils ; extracted from the seeds, barks, foliages and roots. It operates both through the sense of odor and within the organic structure. [ 9 ]Figure 6: Partss of workss used, hypertext transfer protocol: // oil is prepared with indispensable oils before rubbed on the tegument. The indispensable oils work by absorbing through the cell tissue and into the blood stream throughout the organic structure. Organs and organic structure systems interact straight with these oils through massage done by the aroma healer. [ 9 ] Furthermore for Endometriosis intervention, different indispensable oils with different chemical composing belongingss used can develop healthy digestion, prevent insomnia, hike immune system, back up generative system, and rebalance endocrine system. [ 9 ] Therefore, it is proven to get the better of residuary effects of Endometriosis. ( 135 )EvaluationMedical interventions by utilizing different types of drugs have been found to handle Endometriosis efficaciously by stamp downing estrogen production hurting and shrivel the Endometriosis implants from mention hypertext transfer protocol: // This beginning is dependable since it besides agrees with many other beginnings. One of them is http: // which states, â€Å" Danazol – is a mild signifier of the male endocrine testosterone and reduces the sum of estrogen produced by the ovaries to around the same degree as during climacteric † . Both of these beginnings are dependable since they provide in-depth information, support and instruction related to Endometriosis. Furthermore, these web sites contain tonss of reappraisal articles and researches on Endometriosis. The web Endo Resolved is managed and written by Carolyn Levett, a Registered Integrative Humanistic Counsellor, au thor and besides a qualified Supervisor and Group Therapist [ 14 ] . Therefore, she must be really familiar with the disease through extended research, experienced from her clients and reading on Endometriosis. I besides found the book entitled ‘New Guide to Medicines & A ; Drugs ‘ which mentioned â€Å" inordinate blood loss ( hypermenorrhea ) , pain during menses ( dysmenorrhoea ) , and straitening physical and psychological symptoms happening prior to menses necessitate medical interventions † . This beginning besides agrees to the beginning ‘Handbook of Pharmacy Health-Care ‘ which states â€Å" the symptoms of adenomyosis are varied, but normally include dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, hypermenorrhea, instermenstrual pelvic hurting, and back hurting † ; a brief account. Both of these beginnings are trusted since the first book mentioned was edited by Professor John A. Henry and approved by the British Medical Association while the 2nd book emphasises information about the interventions published by The Pharmaceutical Press, undoubted beginnings. Accumulative word count: ( 1913 words )

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Food assignment SC300 Essay

Do you ever wonder where your food comes from? There are so many different and yummy foods out there for us to enjoy, but it is also good for us to know where they come from. There are many things to consider when choosing the food you consume; economical and agricultural research, animal health, water resources and the importing and exporting of your food. In New York there are many farmers markets all year round that help distribute much of the fruits and vegetables while still using imports from other countries. The USDA, United States Department of Agriculture, provides us with many guidelines on the importing process. When importing meat, poultry and eggs there are five basic steps to follow: it must originate from certified countries, the APHIS, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, must be contacted, countries and establishment become eligible by a ‘equivalence determination process’, goods have to reach the labeling requirements and after meeting these expectations it then is inspected one last time by FSIS, Food Safety and Inspection Service. There are certain countries that are eligible to export meat, poultry and eggs to our country. Canada is actually the only country to produce eggs for the U.S. For meat and poultry we can receive our goods from a variety of countries from Australia to Uruguay. The packaging of meat, poultry and eggs is also important, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves all food packaging material before being shipped. The manufacture has to send a petition along with the food ready to be shipped. â€Å"Packaging materials entering a meat or poultry plant must be accompanied or covered by a guaranty or statement of assurance from the packaging supplier. The guaranty must state that the material complies with the FFDCA. It must also state the brand name, supplier, and conditions for use, including temperature and other limits† (New York State). With following all the steps properly we should be able to receive and consume healthy food. New York State Department of Agriculture has guidelines to disturbing food locally, country wide and international. As a food distributer you have to be licensed and registered. In New York there are numerous amounts of farmers markets working together to distribute fresh healthy food to the people, all year round. Fruits and Vegetables are among the main components of the farmers markets. They provide activities and services to get the food to schools, factories and get them ready for international trade. And all food goes through the proper inspection before the selling of it. New York farmers markets are very thorough in that they give you list of when and where the markets will be held and what times of the year certain products will be available. There are also ecological and economic advantages and disadvantages to locally grown food and imported foods. In New York one of the disadvantages in eating the locally grown food is that some of the lakes surrounding us are not fresh. Some of them are contaminated to the point that you can’t swim in them. It creates a chemical and physical imbalance within the ecosystem forcing New York to outsource water from the bigger lakes, like the Great Lakes or the Finger Lakes. So making sure that the water resources we have are fresh and ready for drinking and the watering of the crops is important. That’s where the advantages come in and there is endless supply of fresh water for the crops and drinking. The ecosystems survive better with the fresh water and the food web can establish itself. When we look at the advantages and disadvantages from an economic stand point in New York the weather can become a common denominator. The weather in New York can be drastic in the winter with the Lake effect just waiting to kick in. But, New York is also known for the farmers markets that are all year round. The summers are hot and the winters are bitterly cold but with all the farming land surrounding the big NY it’s hard not to take advantage of the weather. When we think about our food and all the options we have how do we decide what’s best for our families? We have choices to make when purchasing food; when we buy chicken do we get organic or not? These choices do impact us globally; hence â€Å"Think Globally, Act Locally.† Our environment is important and it’s also the nesting ground for our food source. We as the people should make sure our actions and decisions gear toward protecting the world we live in. When purchasing our food I do believe that the best would be organic. It supplies our animals with the healthiest appetite to provide the best produce to us. Farmers markets are the best way to support your town or community and making sure you also are getting healthy food for you family. Everything plays apart with something else and making sure we do our part would be making sure we are the healthiest we can be. References New York State. (n.d.). Department of Agriculture and Markets. In New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from Trefil, J., & Hazen, R.M. (2011). The Sciences: An integrated approach. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USDA. (n.d.). Importing Goods. In United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

African American Studies Essay

The three topics I have picked for this reaction paper are â€Å"Hurricane Katrina, The Bombing Of Black Wall Street And Gangs†. I’ve picked these topics because I believe that to this day everything is still about being in control, racism and a touch of slavery which leads to gangs. Hurricane Karina: was the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. Most notable in media coverage were the catastrophic effects on the city of New Orleans, La. , and coastal Mississippi. Criticism of the federal, state and local governments’ reaction to the storm was widespread. The bombing of Black Wall Street: community was the sight of a happy, affluent Black community but was too much for angry, jealous Whites in Tulsa, Okla. , in 1921, a false rumor was enough to spark a mass riot that left hundreds of African Americans dead, and a swath of black homes and business burned to the ground. The saddest fact associated with this historic atrocity is that the U. S government and local media were complicit in the death and destruction. Gangs: the word â€Å"gang† comes from â€Å"gonge† a term meaning a journey, but later referring to a â€Å"gonge† of sailors in the fifteenth century. Gangs originally began in the 1800’s which meant kids of the street. But US had other predecessors than unsupervised street urchins. There were four kinds of gangs which were predecessors of the street gangs of today 1. Secret Societies, 2. Gangs of outlaws and in the Wild West, 3. Racist like the Ku Klux Klan, and 4. â€Å"Voting Gangs† tied mainly to the Democratic Party in large cities. Many gangs if armed men were racially mortivated. Racial tensions in the cities like New York were constant, and racist conflict was almost everywhere more violent than nativism.. On May 31. 921 a nineteen year old Black male accidentally stumbled on a bumpy elevator and bumped into a seventeen year old White elevator operator who screamed. The frightened young man was seen running from the elevator by a group of Whites and by the afternoon the â€Å"Tulsa Tribune† reported that the girl had been raped. Despite the girl’s denial of any wrong doing, the young man was arrested and a large mob of 2000 White men came to the jail to lynch the prisoner. With a defenseless Black community before them, the white mob advanced to the greenwood district where they first looted and then burned down all Black business, homes, and churches. Any black resisters were shot and thrown in fires. That’s how it became â€Å"The Bombing of Black Wall Street†. It all comes to what’s going on now with, if you are in a gang you can’t go in one neighborhood if you are not affiliated with that neighborhood gang, just like back in then when blacks wasn’t allowed in white people areas or if blacks were allowed, they were segregated. After the Tulsa riot, White inhabitants tried to buy the Black property and force the Black people out of town. No Tulsa bank or leading institution would make loans in the riot-marred Greenwood district, and the city refused all outside assistance. However, racial pride and self determination would not permit the Greenwood owners to sell. Since African Americans could neither live among Whites as equals nor patronize White business in Tulsa, Blacks had to develop a completely separate business and community, which soon became prosperous and legendary. Black dollars invested in black community also produced self-pride, self –sufficiency, and self-determination.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The strategies I will adopt to improve my academic performance to be Essay

The strategies I will adopt to improve my academic performance to be successful in College - Essay Example Some of the strategies that I have put in place to improve my academic performance include; First, time management is an important attribute that cannot lack in my recipe for success in academic success. Time management is an inevitable resource that can work in favour or against anybody. A student should know when to learn new concepts, study the concepts and prepare for exams. Crush programs in student life disorganise expectations. One should know when to party, when to study and have social sessions. Proper utilisation of available time will maximizes brain usage and may even create extra time for personal studies. Bearing all this in mind, I have developed various time management techniques ranging from drawing timetables and writing a diary to keep all my activities in time. Undeniably, performance depends on what has been grasped over a given period. Second, successful academic performance requires availability of learning materials. This ranges from physical, emotional and psychological factors responsible for streamlining success. When attending classes one needs to be physically fresh and clear minded. It, therefore, is important to avail all materials important for physical exercise. Attending to physical training, not only benefits the body but also helps in relaxing brain activities hence beneficial in the long term. Fresh brains have the ability to learn and grasp new concepts hence a strategy towards successful academic life. From this perspective, this will ensure good performance in the long term. A clear organization system plays a significant role in promoting success in all academic pursuits. Learner should know how to save and get countless hours from most of each class. In many instances, students fail to grasp what their teachers say due to inefficient systems. I have come up with various factors including strategies aimed at aligning my system myself to the education

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Fast food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fast food - Essay Example This also applies to those foods that have preheated and precooked ingredients hence can be taken away or eaten from the customers’ comfort zone. These foods can be purchased from kiosks or many a times fast food outlets and most these outlets may or may not provide sitting space. Everyone is responsible for their daily calories intake, hence, it is the personal responsibility for everyone to cut down on fast foods and invest in low fat foods. There is no need to blame fast food restaurants for the obesity issues, since; nutrition is a mandatory requirement for everyone who desires good and perfect health. The obesity crisis can be blamed largely on the sedentary lifestyle that most of us have adopted. Nowadays, you will not find anyone participating in agriculture, as it is enough exercise to keep the body lean. Our diets are composed of high calories and fast foods, which only add to our crisis. Additionally, we live in a cyber-world society whereby, we spend long hours seat ed in the office and mostly operate from the house to our office and mostly drive. This leads to the high deposition of fat and calories in our bodies, which contributes to obesity. Rather than blaming it on fast foods, we need to invest in low fat diets and also have a proper exercise plan that will enable us to burn out all the accumulated calories. Unfortunately, our sedentary lifestyle has been passed on tour offspring’s, who mostly spend times indoors. They mostly ingest high calorie diets that often lead to the having childhood obesity and associated disorders like diabetes. They can barely run or even jog, and are not competent at all. There is the need for nutritional education to invest in a healthy and lean body that will ensure that we remain productive no matter the circumstance. Our diets need to be reviewed, such that we feed more on low fat foods and also eat more fruits and drink plenty of water. This will help in alleviating the obese population and reducing on the obese crisis (Ditmier 14). It is everyone’s personal responsibility to check on whatever amount of calories they ingest. This will help in reducing the calories and fat intake in the body; it will also reduce the proportion sizes of food to a minimum. This will give a sound check to the amount of calories that we burn daily. Most people do not put into consideration the portion sizes, they often eat to be satisfied, rather than to keep them going, ignorant that most of the extra food is stored as fat and contributes to obesity and overweightness (Lu?sted 33). On the other hand, it cannot be ruled out that fast foods do not cause obesity, most recent obesity cases especially in children and pregnant women have been caused by the consumption of fast food from restaurants. The situation is made worse by the sedentary lifestyles that have been adopted, hence, the obesity crisis. Proper care and concern needs to be taken while coming up with menus and nutritional diets so t hat they put into consideration the calories needed and still the minimum fat requirements of the body. Ingesting fast foods without moderation coupled with the sedentary lifestyles reduces the rate at which calories can be burned from the body and this leads to obesity (Schlosser 2). Lack of exercising and weight reduction mechanisms often leads to magnification of the status quo. Activities that enhance the burning of calories such as walking, jogging and digging need to be practiced so that the extra calories

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Leadership and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership and Change - Essay Example With the mail-order being a success, Branson used the money earned from this company to buy a record store and to leverage it into a chain (Branson, 2009). Over time, he has managed to add 360 acquisitions to Virgin Music Group including airlines, trains, books, healthcare, wines, comics, fitness clubs, financial services and space travel among others (Bowerman & Wart, 2011). One major reason behind the success of Virgin group of companies is Branson’s unique leadership, charisma and effective timing (Fox, 2004). These qualities have enabled him to anticipate, and manage change effectively in his business empire. Though he is remarkably reserved and shy in person (Fox, 2004), Branson has the ability to change failures to his advantage, which enables him to gain publicity (Fabrikant, 1997). This daring nature has being the motivation behind his successful empire. Implementation of change Branson’s effective implementation of change can be illustrated by Kotter’s e ight steps change model. As the virgin empire started to expand in 1990s, Virgin megastores, and Virgin Records were doing well (Grant, 2005). However, Virgin Atlantic was not doing well, and it needed huge investments in order to break from being a small time operator to medium sized carrier (Branson, 2002); which is in accordance with Kotter’s model that requires establishment of a sense of contingence to affect change (Sabri, Gupta & Beitler, 2007). According to Grant (2005), Branson’s ingenious ideas to wade through these circumstances were to float the company, and raise the required expansion capital via the city and shareholders. However, immediately after this decision, it became apparent to Branson that this decision was at odds with the kinds of risks shareholders were prepared to stand (Grant, 2005). Surprisingly, in creating a guiding coalition in accordance with Kotter’s change model, Branson decided to sell Virgin records, and bought back Virgin At lantic. It was through such strategic decisions that Virgin Atlantic has become a successful business empire today. Branson approach in his career is that of influence, and has the ability to create a common purpose among his followers; his approach is to make people achieve things that they did not know they had the ability to achieve (Daft, 2002). Therefore, Branson develops a vision and strategy to implement the specific changes, and communicates the same to his employees; these are among the steps in Kotter’s change model (Sabri, Gupta & Beitler, 2007). He establishes the change, creates the guiding principles, develops the vision and the strategies to lead to the required change, or to attain his goals. Usually, every organizational change has a range of consequences, and one of the consequences of floatation of Virgin Atlantic was change in internal environment, and an organizational culture in which employees have to thrive in (Cox, 2009). One of the remarkable cultura l changes under Branson was making employees to have decentralized chains of commands, in ensuring that they are not answerable to one leader. Empowering employees for action is one of the steps in Kotter’s change model (Sabri, Gupta & Beitler, 2007). Branson in his organizational culture ensured employees were answerable to shareholders (Grant, 2005). Grant further noted that Richard Branson’s principles and approach to handling change enables transitions to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What is Federalism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is Federalism - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that these great United States were founded on the idealism and dreams of a people who dreamed of a federal society governed by the rules of freedom and democracy. The present research has identified that we live in times when the sacrifices of our forefathers helped to shape the nation that has nurtured and protected our forebears and will hopefully, also be called home by our successors. Yet for all the dreams and aspirations that we have as a nation, for all the history that helped to create the United States of America, we know very little about the federal form of government that governs our existence. The author has rightly presented that we acknowledge the fact that our country has been run under a federal system of government for over 200 years. It is a system of governance that works for the American people because it has its basis deeply rooted within our lawful constitution and has continued to evolve with the changing times that our country goes through. Yet it is highly doubtful that the average American will know what federalism is all about and how it functions in terms of governance of our country. It was Roche who explained that â€Å"federal ­ism refers to the division of au ­thority and function between and among the national government and the various state governments. But it has come to possess a wider meaning in American political his ­tory†.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Maintaining Psychological Contract is Crucial During Downturns Essay

Maintaining Psychological Contract is Crucial During Downturns - Essay Example How employee perceive obligation and to what magnitude it is fulfilled constitute the main ingredient of this psychological contract. It can be divided into subdivisions within the literature that further enumerate its framework. The two types includes transactional and relational contract. Relational psychological contract is mainly driven by socio-emotional exchanges between the employee and the organization. It involves long term undefined performance terms and promotes a mutual sense of understanding. It bonds the two parties with the commitment of promoting collective interest over personal gains. (ODonohue et al 2007). On the other hand transactional psychological contract is comprised of monetizable exchanges and are driven by short term personal interest. Both these type of contract terms blend together to provide with the important adhesive that binds the two parties with a concealed force. According to Burr and Thomas there is another form of contract which is emerging unde r the label of â€Å"ideology-infused† contract. It has a more transpersonal perspective not only transactional and relational but also for something for the society. So it demonstrates what is in it for me, us and the society. So far we were explaining psychological contract from one dimension only involving the employee and the organization. But since recent changes in the trend of hiring workers from different agencies has given rise to another form of psychological contract. This contract has two dimensions. In this setup, workers are employee of the agency hence all the essence of psychological contract perfectly applies among the two parties. The other contract is established between the employee and the client organization where he or she works. (Chambel et al 2009). This dual psychological contract is not discussed much in the literature and it is important to highlights its implication in today’s changing trend of contingent employment. Now technically there

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Literary Analysis of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Essay

Literary Analysis of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - Essay Example me time, Victor Frankenstein, the human doctor who created the monster, is easily accepted into society because of his humanness and his social status as a member of a respected family. However, he shuns society in his attempt to circumvent the ‘normal’ course of things and then proves himself monstrous in character as he sends his creation into the world defenseless and without the necessary tools for survival. Dr. Frankenstein receives warnings regarding the unnatural teachings of his early scientific teachers yet continues forward with his experiments until he progresses beyond the point of no return. The monster he creates is given little chance at goodness as he is first rejected by his creator and then refused companionship by this same creator. This comparison begs the question what is monstrous in which the author provides no definitive answer. Victor Frankenstein, the main protagonist in the novel, takes the concept of new technology to its ultimate limit. His main goal in life is to find a way to re-animate lifeless matter, taking on the role of creator. While he was creating his creature, Frankenstein could only envision something beautiful and wonderful despite the fact that his instructors had warned him of the unnatural teachings of the ‘pseudo-scientists’ he had admired in his earlier years. â€Å"The ancient teachers of this science,’ said he [Frankenstein’s first professor], ‘promised impossibilities, and performed nothing. The modern masters promise very little; they know that metals cannot be transmuted, and that the elixir of life is a chimera† (40). Frankenstein purposefully and intentionally turned his back on the natural world as a means of concentrating on discovering the secret of bringing life to inanimate material, a process in which he was â€Å"forced to spend d ays and night in vaults and charnel-houses. My attention was fixed upon every object the most insupportable to the delicacy of the human feelings† (45)

Group project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Group project - Essay Example At first a field study is carried out to validate the first stage of the framework, the Recognition Stage. By this way the trouble indicating symptoms of said project was worked out. Such symptoms were logically examined and recovery measures applied for making it bug free and as per the requirement of the client. Another aspect was shortfalls in the project management model and the group dynamics. After review of relevant literature, the problem was reviewed and specific steps taken for a recovery process. This part of the project covers the commercial aspects of website. It is basically meant for a user who desires to buy parts of a PC as per his options. The web page has restricted for those users who has valid account in this site. For that he requires to create an account and get a user id and password. Through the user id and password he would enter into the commercial page of website where he would choose desired items from the displayed list of computer peripherals for purchase. This involves two important parts namely Customer part and Administrator part. Customer part deals with creating an account, searching for computer peripherals, browsing categories, PC configurator, Order placing, viewing the items ordered, modifying the shopping basket, setting quantity of items, buying the selected items. On account of designing client based webpage we used PHP as front end tool. Next part is administrator related which has database server that keeps all the products and its specifica tions stored in it. As the whole project designed to be created with open sources technology we used MySQL 5.0 version. In the back end process we created a database consisting of all the details of products and once all data related to the products entered into this server only thing we had to do next was to update the products as per the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Home Front in World War One Essay Example for Free

The Home Front in World War One Essay Why do the sources show different attitudes to recruitment? Source A is a recruitment poster from 1914 which tries to encourage men to sign up for the war effort. It shows what I assume to be a wife, daughter and son gazing out the window as the man of the house walks out to join the war. This is obviously issued b the government and therefore is used as propaganda. It would no doubt have been effective as many people soon joined up. Source B is yet another poster, meant to encourage people to join up. However this time it is not meant to be out of heroism, it is meant to be out of revenge. It describes a battle which took place in Scarborough. The poster shows that many people were killed and in a brutal way. This is meant to strike deep in the hearts of the British soldiers, making them want to pay back the Germans for what they did to their family and friends. It also makes out the Germans as heartless barbarians. It is again, obviously a propaganda poster issued by the government. Source C is a picture of queues of people waiting outside a Army Recruiting Office waiting to enlist. However I do not think this picture is very accurate as all the people in it are looking at the camera. Personally I believe this picture was set up to show other men how many people were signing up for the war and hopefully make them feel bad about not doing it. I also think this is proven by the obvious sign on the top that says Army Recruiting Office. If this picture was not set up, the sign might not be so obvious but it is made to stand out to show the viewer what it is and to make sure u know. Therefore I think this source is very unreliable. Source D is an extract from the text book Modern World History by the historian, B. Walsh, published in 1996. It states that the recruitment campaign was very successful and by 1916 two million people had signed up. This was written for textbook for people to learn from so it was probably correct and if it is not, it was unintentional. Obviously the historian is working from other sources that have been found and written but there is nothing that would mean it is incorrect. He would have no motive to lie. It is also quite reliable as it is statistics and therefore cant lie as easily as for example a soldiers diary extract. Source E is an extract from the tribunal testimony of Clifford Allen in 1916. He firmly states that he does not belief in war and clearly shows that he will not be a part of it. This source is different from sources A, B and C as it is against conscription whereas the others have all been for it and encouraging to sign up willingly. However I think this source is very reliable as he would have reason to lie, because as he was against conscription he would have been imprisoned. But in fact he said the very thing that got him imprisoned, therefore I think it is the honest truth. I think the sources show a different attitude to recruitment because as the war went on, people saw how bad the war was and knew that the really didnt want to sign up for it. Therefore the government had to try a lot harder to encourage people to join through propaganda. Part B Explain the effects of World war One on the way people lived in Britain between 1914 and 1918 People were affected by World War One in many ways at home. Most of these changes were made by the government. The immediate task was to get the people at home behind the war. They did this by trying to make them hate the Germans. This was successfully achieved by posters, some true, some not. Dora (Defence of the Realm Act) also changed many things at home. Dora was basically a set of rules that told people what they could not do. These rules included things like: Do not fly a kite, light bonfires or fireworks, use invisible ink when writing abroad. As the war continued the government brought in many other measures such as not letting people but rounds of drinks in a pub and that beer should be watered down. Another big change brought on by the war in Britain was food shortages. Food supply was alright until 1916, but towards the end of that year and beginning of 1917, German Submarines were stopping supply ships from getting through. Because of this, food prices shot up dramatically. Dora was used to try and prevent food shortages, but it became obvious that these measures were not enough to reduce the amount of food being eaten or change the amount of food being produced. A voluntary ration scheme was introduced. People were asked to try and limit themselves to four pounds of meat and three quarters of a pound of sugar each week. The King and Queen themselves followed this ration. However the campaign failed and shortages continued. Poorer people could not afford to buy meat and sugar and their diet usually consisted of just bread before the rationing, while the rich were able to buy food as they wanted off the black market. Due to the shortages, people tried to grow their own food. Parks and tennis courts were turned into allotments where they could grow food. Eventually compulsory rationing was introduced. This once again, limited the amount of food people had, making it even harder to stay out of hunger. Soon factories suffered from lack of workers as the men went off to fight in the war. The government in the end had to accept that women had to do the job. This was the first time it was acknowledged that women would play a vital role in winning the war. Women were soon employed in munitions factories, textile factories and dress making factories. When conscription was introduced this forced the factories to be solely run by women. This I think shows a great difference in life before, during and after the war. The war changed many things that could not be changed back. Women gaining their independence is just one of many changes stemming from the war.